After talking with a
thriftstore exemplar about some of his recent purchases... I finally decided I needed to give the St. Louis Goodwill(s) another chance. Apparently, Target stores donate returned and slightly damaged goods to Goodwill. This is a good thing. After my first few trips to the Goodwills here, I was totally convinced that they had a strict enforcement of "anything from the 90's only" for accepting and selling merchandise... A thoroughly disappointing selection of clothing, etc. However, having the Christmas spirit, I thought, what the hay! (I doubt that my mind really used that phrase, but then again, it just did there, so who knows?) I stopped by the stores on my ride home... My treasure will go down as my best post-Christmas present ever! Okay, it wasn't that awesome... but I did find a
Tiger digital video camera for kids. I figured, if it works, it is worth 5 bucks... maybe my wife and I can
finally put up that webcam we have spent so many hours rehearsing for? Well, the purchase was made, and when I got home, not only did it work, but it had a surprise work of art: The first and only video it had recorded. After consulting
with my lawyers*, I deemed it necessary to post it in its entirety. (okay, it is only like 30 seconds)
I call it "drunk dad demos sucky toy camera to spoiled brat kid on christmas morning". Enjoy!
Feel free to post your commentary on this short film.
* I may or may not have actually consulted said people